- FEPA 1 Safe use of Pesticides Foundation Module (Gola)
- FEPA 2A Field Crop Sprayer Hydraulic nozzle type / Rotary atomiser type - boom (excluding pedestrian controlled machines)
- FEPA 2C Twin fluid nozzle type – boom (excluding pedestrian controlled machines)
- FEPA 2E Horizontal Boom Sprayers fitted with downward air assistance
- FEPA 6 Handheld Applicators
- FEPA 6AW Handheld and Water Upgrade
- FEPA 4G Granule applicator Granules
- FEPA 4S Granule applicator Slug Pellets
After training you will apply for an assessment with NPTC City & Guilds, this is taken separately.
FEPA1 Safe use of Pesticides
Course Objectives
To enable course members to:
- Understand your duties under the law and help you become a safe and competent pesticide user
- Understand what pesticides are and their ‘field of use’
- State legislation relevant to pesticide application
- Interpret and use label information
- Take the appropriate action to protect themselves and the environment
- Store and transport pesticides safely
- Dispose of the pesticides and containers safely
- Record information
Who is the Course For?
The course is for anyone employed in agriculture or horticulture (commercial/amenity) involved in the storage, handling and application of pesticides.
Those who are registered with the NRoSO and/or BASIS (NRoSO = 12 points, BASIS = 12 points
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Consequences of not using or handling pesticides safely
- Legislation that affects pesticide use
- Pesticide product labels
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Safe storage and transport of pesticides
- Environmental factors
- Disposal of pesticide and containers
- Dealing with accidents
- Keeping pesticide records
Duration - One Day
FEPA 2a Field Crop Sprayer
PA2a practical assessment, which combined with a PA1 unit qualifies the operator in the legislative qualification Certificate of Competence in the Safe Use of Pesticides.
There are different FEPA 2 course for different types of sprayer:
- FEPA 2A Field Crop Sprayer Hydraulic nozzle type / Rotary atomiser type - boom (excluding pedestrian controlled machines)
- FEPA 2C Twin fluid nozzle type – boom (excluding pedestrian controlled machines) FEPA 2E Horizontal Boom Sprayers fitted with downward air assistance
Course Content
- Legislation
- Environmental Safety
- Label information
- Nozzles and spray quality
- Types of nozzles
- Preparation of sprayer for use
- Mixing and filling of the sprayer
- Calibration
- Site work
- Cleaning and decontamination of the applicator
- Maintenance and storage
- Pesticide application records
Duration - One Day
Pre-requisitesPA1 Safe Use of Pesticide
NRoSO Points
This training course carries 12 NRoSO points with a further 4 available for passing the assessment
FEPA 4G Granular Applicators - Granules
Course Description
This course prepares the trainee to take the NPTC PA4 practical assessment, which combined with a PA1 unit qualifies the operator in the legislative qualification Certificate of Competence in the Safe Use of Pesticides.
Course Content
- Legislation
- Label information
- Preparation of applicator for use
- Calibration
- Site work
- Environmental risk assessment
- Filling the applicator
- Cleaning and decontamination of the applicator
- Maintenance and storage
- Pesticide application records
Duration - One Day
Pre-requisitesPA1 Safe Use of Pesticide
NRoSO Points
This training course carries 12 NRoSO points with a further 4 available for passing the assessment.
FEPA 4G Granular Applicators - Slug Pellets
Course Objectives
To enable course members to:
- Prepare a pesticide slug pellet applicator for work, calibrate and operate it to ensure correct application rate without risk to themselves, other people and the environment.
- Use the information detailed on product labels to determine the approved uses for the product and its potential hazards to human safety, non-target areas and the environment in general.
- Carry out daily and routine maintenance of the applicator.
- Carry out the correct procedure for clearing personal protective equipment and application equipment which may have been contaminated with pesticide.
Course Content
- Slug biology
- Products available
- Test baiting
- Slug pellets and water
- Product labels
- Delivery, handling & storage of pellets
- Appropriate PPE
- Physical and Environmental Risk Assessment
- Weather conditions & soil type
- Calibration of the applicator
- Field procedures and checking uniformity of spread
- Applicator cleaning and storage.
Duration - One Day
FEPA 6 Hand Held Applicators
Course Description
This course prepares the trainee to take the NPTC PA6a practical assessment, which combined with a PA1 unit qualifies the operator in the legislative qualification Certificate of Competence in the Safe Use of Pesticides.
Course Content
- Legislation
- Environmental safety
- Label information
- Nozzles and spray quality
- Types of nozzles
- Preparation of knapsack for use
- Calibration
- Site work
- Cleaning and decontamination of the applicator
- Other application methods
Duration - One Day
Pre-requisitesFEPA1 Safe Use of Pesticide Safe Use of Pesticide
NRoSO Points
This training course carries 12 NRoSO points with a further 4 available for passing the assessment.